LED – LE22

NOTICE AND WARNING: This computer system is the property of the Commonwealth of Virginia and is intended for authorized users only. By accessing and using this system you are consenting to system monitoring for law enforcement and other purposes. Unauthorized use of this system may subject you to State or Federal criminal prosecution and penalties.
To submit an LE22 VA DMV Law Enforcement Investigation Request, follow the below steps:
Step 1: Go to the separate LE 22 form.
Step 2: Complete the LE22 form and save it to your computer.
Step 3: You must also complete the below contact information.
Step 4: After completing the contact information section below, attach your saved LE22 and any supporting documents.
Step 5: Go to the top of these steps and click on the Submit button.
Your investigation request will be reviewed, initiated and routed to the appropriate region for a law enforcement officer to be assigned to your incident to investigate. The officer will follow up with you on your request.
*If your vehicle is stolen, please contact your local police department.
If you have other DMV law enforcement questions, please email enforcement@dmv.virginia.gov or call (804) 367-1678 or (804) 367-1997.
=====================CONTACT INFORMATION==================================
The system only accepts the following file formats: PDF, JPEG, JPG, DOC, DOCX.
Please upload your completed LE22 form and supporting documentation here.
Drop files here, or browse to attach files
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